
I released a new project

On-and-off over the past few months I wrote a new tool called Protokolo. I wrote earlier about how I implemented internationalisation for this project. This blog post is a simple and short introduction to the tool. Protokolo—Esperanto for ‘report’ or ‘minutes’—is a change log generator. It solves a very simple (albeit annoying) problem space at the intersection of change logs and version control systems: Different merge requests all edit the same area in CHANGELOG, inevitably resulting in merge conflicts. [Read More]

How to set up Python internationalisation with Click, Poetry, Forgejo, and Weblate

TL;DR—look at Protokolo and do exactly what it does. This is a short article because I am lazy but do want to be helpful. The sections are the steps you should take. All code presented in this article is licensed CC0-1.0. Use gettext As a first step, you should use gettext. This effectively means wrapping all string literals in _() calls. This article won’t waste a lot of time on how to do this or how gettext works. [Read More]

Destination status quo

A reflection on idealism and the inadequacy of things

I recently happened upon an article1 that argued against the four freedoms as defined by the Free Software Foundation. I don’t actually want to link to the article—its tone is rather rude and unsavoury, and I do not want to end up in a kerfuffle—but I’ll include an obfuscated link at the end of the article for the sake of integrity. The article—in spite of how much I disagree with its conclusions—inspired me to reflect on idealism and the inadequacy of things. [Read More]

Using Fedora Silverblue for development

I recently switched to Fedora Silverblue for my development machine. I want to document approximately how I do this (and why it’s awesome!). Fedora Silverblue This article is not an introduction to Fedora Silverblue, but a short summary is well-placed: Fedora Silverblue is an immutable operating system that upgrades atomically. Effectively, the root filesystem is mounted read-only, with the exception of /var, /home, and /etc. The system is upgraded by mounting a new read-only snapshot as the root filesystem. [Read More]

Big Distro

A plea for Debian, Fedora, openSUSE & Ubuntu

I like to read GNU/Linux hobbyist forums from time to time. Partially to keep up with all the changes that are constantly happening within the lovely world of Free Software, but mostly because I’m just very excited about GNU/Linux. It is quite possibly the world’s biggest international collaborative effort, and that’s just mind-bogglingly cool—the idea that people from all over the world come together to make this amazing tool for everyone to freely use. [Read More]